The leaves on the trees have changed and there is a crispness in the air that reminds us that this is autumn. With the change in the seasons comes another year full of events for the Pittsburgh Section of ASHE. Before I get into the details of everything we have planned for you as a member, please allow me to reflect on what it means to me to be President of the Pittsburgh Section.
First and foremost, I am honored and humbled to serve the members of THE BEST ASHE Section. All personal humility aside, I am very proud of our group. According to the Summer 2018 Scanner, The Pittsburgh Section has 564 members, making it THE LARGEST ASHE Section. And our numbers are not just on paper. IMHO, we are an THE MOST ACTIVE ASHE Section. We are the winners of the attendance award for the most members at the National Conference almost every year. We have some of the largest turnouts for most of our meetings in comparison to our peer Sections. And last, but not least, we have THE MOST MOTIVATED ASHE members who want to get involved and willingly volunteer. I see that motivation in all the Officers, Directors, Committee Members, and volunteers who contribute to our success. Thanks to all of you.
This fantastic organization that is Pittsburgh ASHE that we enjoy today is due in large part to the legacy of the past leaders. Our success did not happen overnight. We have had consistent leadership in Past Presidents, Officers, Directors and volunteers over the years. That is one of the reasons that the Past Presidents’ Banquet in the fall is the premier event of our year. We take that time to recognize the efforts of those who have built this great organization. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to ASHE Pittsburgh Section past and present.
Our current Officers, Directors, Committee Members, and volunteers continue to put in a great effort and have plans for even more events than ever this year. They are using their creativity to provide a diversity of activities for the membership. Here is a sample of what we have done or will do this year as a Section:
- Past Presidents’ Banquet
- 6 dinner meetings
- Motorcycle event
- Softball Tournament
- Bowling Night
- Holiday Social
- PDH Pub Crawl
- Golf Outing
- Pirate Tailgate Outing
- Adopt-A-Highway Community Service
- Pitt / ASHE Educational Seminar
- Joint meetings with other Organizations
- Community Outreach to High Schools
- Support of College Student Sections
- Increased emphasis on Scholarship Awards
Last, but not least, thanks to all members who continue to support our Section. We hope to see you soon at one of these great events!
Pat Kane, PE
2018-2019 ASHE Pittsburgh President